10 Interesting Facts About Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Facts

10 Interesting Facts About Hearing Aids

While hearing aids have been around for decades now, there is still a lot of incorrect information surrounding them. Our team at Future Hearing is here to provide you with 10 interesting facts about hearing aids that you may not have known, and hopefully debunk some myths!

#1 They are Discreet and Comfortable!

Thanks to advances in science and technology, the hearing aids that are available to patients today are virtually invisible, and very comfortable.

#2 Smart Technology for Effective Filtering

Most hearing aids today use smart technology in effort to decipher what noises are important, and which aren’t, to give you a desirable hearing experience.

#3 They Can be Affordable

While the true cost of hearing aids can be scary, there are many payment plans and options that make hearing aids quite accessible to those who truly need them.

#4 Some are Rechargeable

Many people are put off by hearing aids because of the cost and effort of replacing miniscule batteries. However, these days there are many hearing aids that make life easy by being completely rechargeable.

#5 Connect to Your Phone

We are truly living in the future! Most modern hearing aids are able to connect to your phone, and assist you with making phone calls, watching videos and listening to music.

#6 Tinnitus Relief

Tinnitus can be totally debilitating to those who suffer from it. Fortunately, hearing aids are now able to play a backing track to help mask the ringing that tinnitus causes. This brings massive relief!

#7 Not as Delicate as they Seem

While you should always do your best to look after your hearing aids, they are far more durable than they look. If you are a particularly outdoorsy person, it would be best to get a water-resistant device.

#8 You are Catered For

Many people feel as if the hard of hearing are not well catered for, but things are getting better and better with many establishments such as theatres and cinemas establishing sound loops for hearing aids to connect to.

#9 Flexibility

Hearing aids can automatically adapt to a number of different sound situations, giving you crisp and clear hearing no matter the environment you’re in.

#Not Enough People Use Them

In this day and age, your hearing is more at risk than ever before. Because hearing loss can happen very gradually, many people who could be hugely benefitting from wearing hearing aids simply don’t wear them.

Feel that your hearing may be slipping? Book a free screen test at Future Hearing in Mauritius today!

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